Green Party constituency candidate welcomes election announcement

Kevin Foster.

The Green Party’s parliamentary candidate for Richmond & Northallerton has welcomed yesterday’s announcement that the general election will take place on July 4.

Kevin Foster, North Yorkshire Council councillor for Hipswell & Colburn, said he felt the “election was long overdue and this tired old government has done the country no favours by prolonging the agony”.

He added: “I am the Green Party’s parliamentary candidate in Richmond & Northallerton and will be making the case for a Green MP in this constituency.

“Unlike the old parties, the Green Party has radical, forward-thinking ideas to change this country and create a better future for everyone”.

Kevin said he believed that the constituency needed a local MP who knew the area and “genuinely cares about it”.

“I am experienced at all levels of local government and feel ready to stand in Westminster on behalf of all residents in this constituency, giving us the strong voice we need.

“I believe that politics can be done differently and would welcome the opportunity to work with MPs of all persuasions to bring about the positive changes this country so badly needs”.

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