COMMENT: Stokesley town councillor urges people to stand at the local elections in May

Stokesley town councillor Ian Blakemore.

Stokesley town councillor Ian Blakemore calls on the public to stand for election to Hambleton town and parish councils in May — and “get stuck in” to helping their community.

Care of the Community. Yes that’s right, not in, of — making sure that at local level those with ideas and time, whatever they can give, volunteer to help make a place what it is.

And yes I’ve used the ‘v’ word, essential whatever your politics are, so that things in the place you call home are just got on with.

I’ve been a town councillor since May 2015 – when because the number of candidates who wanted to stand was more than the 11 seats, there were elections for the positions for the first time in decades.

This was a whole new world – and I had lived in the town for over 16 years.

Four years on and the process is starting all over again, although whether there will be elections depends on the number of people who stand.

So why would you? I mean these things always get done don’t they? It’s just grass cutting and Town Hall stuff isn’t it?

Well, not entirely. In Stokesley, councillors are also trustees for the Town Hall and the manorial lands, both given to the people of Stokesley in 1919.

In the four years I’ve been a councillor, we have improved the allotments, helped ensure the library stayed open (the staff are employees of the Town Council), started a Food Festival (now in its fifth year), had a huge celebration for the Tour de Yorkshire, and are planning a
centenary of the homecoming and gifting of the Town Hall and lands to the people.

The transfer of control of the cobbles and parking back to the town from the district council is at the final stages of negotiation. Oh, and improved grass and hedge cutting too.

All this from a mixed group of staff and volunteer councillors all working together.

So, instead of standing back, come forward. Find out more. Get stuck in. Ask at the Town Hall for more information about what’s involved and how to stand to be a councillor.

Make sure your voice is heard.

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